About the Firm

GALAXY is a Innovative marketing service team of professionals with the experience of last 10 years in direct marketing and our primary objective is to assist ventures essentially within the service industry, to almost double their customer base within a short span of time, through our tested methodology. The concept that we work on is Direct Marketing, which drives customer, almost doubling the foot-fall, enhancing revenues manifold together with spreading the word about the company through word of mouth publicity, through full-time professional marketing representatives. We approach to over 10 lakh customers each year on behalf of our clients.

 At GALAXY, our team of business professionals review, plan and recommend key marketing initiatives which we customize to each client’s requirement and brief. We provide end-to-end integrated Direct Marketing solutions for advertisers and marketers from different realms.

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Many positive innovations have taken place in the past years in order to realize the Company’s golden vision. Today, after more than 10 robust years’ experience by directors in the market, GALAXY and its business partners have successfully developed into a public marketing.

Through full-time professional marketing representatives, we talk to over 10 lakh consumers each year on behalf of our clients. That is why today, more and more major companies are turning to GALAXY to build traffic, increase frequency, enhance brand loyalty, fill unused
capacity and generate new customers.

GALAXY is dedicated to bringing customers to your businesses, enticing former customers to return, and creating customer loyalty through personal contact and exceptional value for money in return.

GALAXY, specializing in organizing business promotions for the Hospitality Industry in particular and through our services, we partner you in bringing about a quantum increase in your business of up to 70%, without your organization incurring any cost of the promotion

Our Clients rave about…..

  • The quality of the collateral materials we produce for them.
  • The ability of our programs to drive in New Customers.
  • The Short Lead Time for program implementation.
  • The immediacy of the Results.
  • The Exclusivity of our presentation.
  • The Frequency of our privilege members.
  • The Professionalism of representation.

We assure you of a service that is totally professional and with guaranteed results. Our past records do vouch for our claims

We’re active in more than 16 states across India:

. Delhi

. UP

.  Haryana

. Uttrakhand

. Bihar

. MP

. Chhattisgarh

. Punjab

. Andhra Pradesh

.  Rajasthan

. Gujarat

.  Jharkhand

.  Maharashtra

.  West Bengal

.  Karnataka

.  Himachal  Pradesh

.  Jammu & Kashmir

. Orissa

. Tamil Nadu